Следећа реченица садржи 7 истих речи узастопно. Можда није баш најразумљивија, али је граматички тачна:
"It is true for all that that that that that that that refers to is not the same that that that that refers to." (= It is true for all that, that that "that" which that "that" refers to is not the same "that" which that "that" refers to.)
It is true, despite everything you say, that this word which this word refers to is not the same word which this word refers to.
It is true, despite everything you say, that this word to which this word refers is not the same word to which this word refers.
"It is true for all that that that that that that that refers to is not the same that that that that refers to." (= It is true for all that, that that "that" which that "that" refers to is not the same "that" which that "that" refers to.)
It is true, despite everything you say, that this word which this word refers to is not the same word which this word refers to.
It is true, despite everything you say, that this word to which this word refers is not the same word to which this word refers.